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Hi, my name is Jill. I have done crafts of various kinds all my life, I enjoy most type of crafts. I do some knitting, crocheting, cardmaking, cross stitch and quilting, but also like to fiddle round with beads, glue, ribbon roses etc!!
I have an album of some of the things I have made if you would like to look.. My album
My other interests include reading, the space program, gardening, travel, entering competitions, family history and penpals. I also enjoy music and films.
I am married with 2 grown up sons, 1 grandson, 1 granddaughter, 1 dog and 1 cat . I live in the North of England though was born and grew up on the south east coast.
In the late 90's, myself and my friend set up CUDDLES. The aim of CUDDLES is to help mums and babies in maternity hospitals throughout the country by providing knitted and crocheted blankets and gowns for the babies that are stillborn or lose their fight for life . Please take a look at the 'Cuddles' page for details, and also for some patterns and photos.
Thanking you in advance for helping babies and mums...
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